CD Cantate Domino

Parcours de petites et grandes révolutions musicales autour des psaumes 96, 98 et 149, sur plusieurs siècles en latin, français, allemand ou anglais.

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1 commentaire

Monika Fahrnberger | 22 juillet 2016 à 11 h 05 min Répondre

Hello, Laetitia,

I heard your singers in St. Lambrecht Cathedral and then also came over to let you know how much I liked your choir’s sound; finding now that you have a CD available, I would like to order one piece as a memory to your visit.

Please send your banking Information, so that I can pay for the CD.
My shipping address is

Manfred Novak and Monika Fahrnberger
Hauptstraße 5/2
8813 St. Lambrecht

I hope that the rest of your tour went well and that you encountered enough enthusiastic audience.
Thank you in advance, and keep up the good work – it was pure joy to listen to the clean sound!



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